Many contain biographical sketches. All have name indexes.
Bureau County
- Map of Bureau County, IL with Sketches of Its Early Settlement, by N. Matson (1867)
- Reminiscences of Bureau Co., N. Matson (1872)
- The Voters and Tax-Payers of Bureau Co., IL (1877)
- History of Bureau Co., H.C. Bradsby (1885)
- Biographical Record of Bureau, Marshall and Putnam Counties, S.J. Clark Publishing Co. (1896)
- Past and Present of Bureau Co., George B. Harrington (1906)
- Big Bureau and Bright Prairies, Doris Leonard (1968)
Individual Towns:
- Arlington, IL Sesquicentennial, 1853-2003 (2003)
- History of Boyd’s Grove (1951)
- Buda – Our Home Town, 1828-1975, Myrtle Foster Arnold (1975)
- History of Buda, IL, Marion Pederson (1932)
- The Way We Were – Bureau (town), IL, 1874-1974 (1974)
- Cherry Mine information
- History of DePue, IL (1976)
- Gems of Yesteryear – The History of Dover, IL, 1833-1967, Mildred Anderson (1968)
- Ladd, IL, 1890-1990, Centennial Committee (1990)
- Village of Ladd, 1890-2015 (2015)
- LaMoille, IL Sesquicentennial, 1836-1987 (1987)
- History of the Settlement of Macon Township, 1837-1957, Ethel White Bitting
- Ties to Our Past – Manlius, IL, 1901-2002, Manlius Centennial Committee (2001)
- Neponset on the “Q”, Neponset Historical Society (1997)
- Neponset’s 100 Years, 1855-1955, Neponset Historical Society (1955)
- Ladies of Neponset, Neponset Historical Society (1988)
- Gentlemen of Neponset, Neponset Historical Society (2006)
- North Prairie Folks of Bureau Co., IL, Elizabeth C. Cass (1956)
- Ohio, IL Centennial Book, 1877-1977 (1977)
- A History of Princeton, George O. Smith (1966)
- Providence, IL information
- Spring Valley, IL, Centennial Book, 1886-1986 (1985)
- Tiskilwa History, (ca 1976)
- Walnut Area Centennial Book, 1872-1972 (1972)
- Our Town, A History of Wyanet, 1828-1973, Maxine Trotter (1973)
- Town histories with biographical sketches from the Bureau County Republican (1903-1908) for Buda, Bureau, DePue, Kasbeer, LaMoille, Malden, Manlius, Neponset, New Bedford, Ohio, Princeton, Seatonville, Sheffield, Spring Valley, Tiskilwa, Walnut, Wyanet, Yorktown