Obituary File: a limited collection of donated obituaries contributed by researchers, spanning 1858 to the present.
Also an indexed file of obituaries from 1990 to present.
Obituary Collection of Barto Funeral Homes, Spring Valley, IL: 1946-1984
Obituary Collection of Valley Memorial Cemetery, Spring Valley, IL: 1947-2001
Also see our Newspaper List
Funeral Home records: (See Bureau County map)
Princeton Area: 1903 to 2006
Buda Area: 1930-1957
Ladd Area: 1907-1971
LaMoille Area: 1928-1957
Manlius Area: 1935-1947
Mendota (LaSalle Co.): 1893-1927
Spring Valley Area: 1966-2004
Tiskilwa Area: 1883-2000
Walnut Area: 1919-1954 and 2003-2005
Other Death Information
- Illinois Deaths and Stillbirths 1916-1947 (
- A card file index to newspaper articles about Bureau County service men/women from World War I and World War II. Some articles include pictures.
- 20 Years of Deaths, 1858-1877, from the Bureau Co. Republican, Jacquelyn Gee Glavinick (1988)
- Death Information, 1887-1951, from the Buda Plain Dealer, Buda, Bureau Co., IL, Bureau County Genealogical Society (1999)
- Marriage, Birth and Death Information, 1887-1920 from the LaMoille Gazette Newspaper, LaMoille, Bureau Co., IL, Bureau County Genealogical Society (2001)
- Mortality Schedules for Bureau Co., IL, 1850, 1860 and 1880
- Berlin Township Death Certificates, 1916 to 1934
- IL Death Index from the IL State Archives, 1916-1950