Where are you located?
629 South Main St, Princeton IL
From Exit 56 on Interstate 80, go south on Main St. about 2 miles. We are one-half block north of the courthouse.
When are you open?
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and the first Saturday of each month 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Open other times by appointment (Call 815-879-3133 or 815-303-7386)
What records do you have?
Cemetery, marriage, death, censuses, newspapers, church, Bible, County Farm/Poor House, funeral home, town histories, atlases and family histories. For more detailed information, see Major Resources.
Will assistance be available when searching these records?
Yes, one or more volunteers will be available to help you and make copies.
To get the most from my visit to Princeton, what should I bring?
Pedigree Chart and one or more family group sheets. List of questions you hope to find answers for. List of sources you have already checked.
How long should I plan to visit?
We suggest that you allow 2-3 days for your research trip to Bureau County. This will enable you to visit our society as well as the Courthouse, the Bureau County Historical Society, the Princeton Public Library, and cemeteries if applicable. The amount of available material depends on how long your family was in Bureau County.
What motels are available?
Princeton has many choices.
If I am unable to visit, can I pay a fee to have you do the Bureau County research for me?
Yes, please see our Research Policy page.